1. You will never, ever, ever be 100% satisfied with your body, so stop trying. No amount of "Likes" and "Wow, you are so hot" comments on bikini clad pictures of yourself on Facebook will give you the satisfaction with yourself that you are looking for, so stop posting them for your 1,000 "friends" to see, and lust over, it's not worth it. To be completely honest with you, all it says is "For a good time, call"
2. It's time to decide the type of woman you want to be. The days of split personalities {sweet good girl to your family and party girl to your friends}, are over. You're an official adult now. Act like it.
You still want to be a party girl? Fine, but own it. Stop pretending to be someone else to your family. Or are you just pretending to your friends? Confusing, isn't it?
3. Contrary to overwhelmingly popular belief, you do not need to have sex with a man in order to keep his interest. And, Hey Guys, this goes for you too. You do not need to have sex with a woman in order to show her how much you love and want her. There are other ways.
Sex is a very, very intimate thing. Duh, I know, but that's not what I'm talking about. It goes beyond the physical. There's a reason why God commands, not suggests, that we save this until AFTER marriage. As soon as we say those vows, our very souls are knit together. It's not just some words to say and a paper to sign. It's spiritual as well. Anyone who ever came before this person who is now literally half of you, means nothing. And when you have sex with someone who you are not not married to, you leave a piece of yourself with them. Not very fair to that person you just pledged your life and soul to is it? You're telling them that they just weren't worth waiting for. Think about it, really, really think about it. You know I'm right.
4. You want to be a better person? Then do it. You know how. You know what you need to do. You know what friends you need to say goodbye to and all that goes along with that. So, be brave, suck it up and do it. The high road is not an easy one. It's an uphill battle with twists and turns and some days you feel like you are climbing a rock wall, but all that hard work pays off. It's a lot easier and more fun to slide down or even jump off the cliff, it's exhilarating at the time, but all that's waiting for you at the bottom is shattered pieces of yourself.