Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Home School vs Public School Debate

Let me start by clarifying, that this debate I speak of is just the one going on in my head, nothing bigger than that.

And, never say never!!

I once thought "I will never be able to homeschool, it's just not who I am"

Well, the joke is on me, because I think about it more and more every day.


Oh, there are so many reasons!!

And it's not so much about the content that is taught in public schools: evolution, homosexuality is good, sex is fine and long as you use protection...we can work around that. My parents managed to teach me right from wrong regardless of what was taught in school.

But, yes that's a concern.

It's more about the fact that I literally feel sick to my stomach every time my 5 year old comes home from school and says they had a Lock Down Drill that day....

Or the fact that almost every single day there is another horrifying story of bullying on the news...

Or the fact that in the town we used to live in a 7 year old stabbed another 7 year old in the back with a pencil....7 YEARS OLD!!! This did not happen in inner city Boston, this happened 2 towns away, where we have friends!!

Maybe I am just a mama-bear wanting to protect and shield my little ones from any potential harm. And you know what, there's nothing wrong with that. That's kind of my job right now, to protect them.

I am really not the over-protective type either, my husband is the helicopter parent, not so much me...

My 5 year old is a very social little guy. He loves school and the structure there, he loves meeting new friends. So, that's a damper. I don't want to take him away from that.

My 3 year old is more clingy, so I would like for him to have to go to school, to learn some independence

But, is public school the best way to do that?

I just don't know

And then, I can't help but think that the more Christian families pull their children out of public schools, the darker those schools become. We are taking the light away...

So many conflicting thoughts....

I will not take any action this school year. J will finish Kindergarten where he started....

But, I will be spending a lot of time on my knees in deep discussion with God about this during that time...

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